The screen resolution of iPad2 is 1024 x 768, as is iPad2. Does that mean we just need to simply crop the wallpaper to 1024 x 768? In fact, the resolution of the perfect wallpaper should be 1024 x 1024. Let’s explain why we need square wallpapers: Friends who have used iPad or iPad2 know that iPad can choose to display the screen horizontally or vertically. So what happens when we change the horizontal and vertical display? Assuming that the default state of your iPad is to display the screen vertically, that is, the screen changes from 1024 pixels high and 768 pixels wide to 768 pixels high and 1024 pixels wide. .
When you rotate the iPad or iPad2 screen, the iPad or iPad2 wallpaper will automatically rotate to fit the screen. However, the wallpaper of the iPad or iPad2 cannot automatically adapt to the size of the iPad or iPad2 screen after being rotated. So, at 1024x768 pixels, your wallpaper will look very ugly after rotation - either too wide or too narrow. For details, please view Sample Picture 1 and Sample Picture 2, in which the black area is never visible, and the red and green are visible in a single mode.
Therefore, you need a 1024x1024 pixel picture to be the wallpaper for iPad or iPad2. So there are some areas that cannot be seen in any way, and there are some areas that are visible in any direction. The four corners of the image, which are 128 x 128 pixels in size, will never be visible, so all your writing or pattern design will be in vain, so don’t place important patterns in the four corners.
Only when the iPad or iPad2 is displayed vertically, the 128 (height) x 768 (width) pixel area near the upper and lower ends can be seen. Therefore, these two areas are not suitable for placing more important graphics or text.
The 768 (height) x 128 (width) area near both ends is only visible when the iPad or iPad2 is displayed horizontally. Therefore, this area is also not suitable for placing important graphics and text.
Therefore, important things can only be placed in the central area of 768x768. The wallpaper made in this way is a perfect iPad oror iPad2 wallpaper.
So the early approach was to choose a regular wallpaper of 1280 x 1024 pixels, and then select a square center area to crop. Because the screen resolution ratio is the largest with 1280 x 1024 resolution.